Welcome to the area reserved for our dealers. Within this area you will find products and prices reserved for resale to the public. All ready liquids prices you see INCLUDE excise duty as required by law. Aromas, Mix & Vape and Do it yourself products are exempt from excise duty.If you are not located in Italy, please send us an email so that we can update the prices without the italian duties due on all the vapor products.


If you are a dealer/shop not located in Italy, we can offer you the prices without the italian duties on vapour products. Please contact us about the reserved prices before placing an order: info@bravovapes.com


Los gustos "bravo vapes" jovenes y transgresivos. Sin alcohol son ideales para "vapeadores" descarados que saborean el sabor de un cóctel en el tranvía o en el metro. Los trasgressive son líquidos listos para su uso con una mezcla de aromas "Bravo vapes". Los trasgressive te los preparamos nosotros, pero tú libera tu creatividad y encuentra tu gusto único mezclando los líquidos "Bravo vapes". "¡VAPE AS YOU ARE!" - Productos "BRAVO VAPES" 100% ITALIANOS